n i e t





Mentorship Project



design artifact

COVID is resulting young adults to feel depressed

In 2021, more than a third (37%) of high school students reported they experienced poor mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic, and 44% reported they persistently felt sad or hopeless during the past year.

Then, we spotted high number of students entering digital platforms to ease off their mental tension during the time.

I used the below method (image) to understand the users and guide through this project.

design artifact

How might we switch depression into an impression?

Targeting young students with a specific mental state, I first researched our audience`s symptoms to understand my users.

I discovered that they were sensitive to light, words, and even cognitive functions.

(To extend, users will avoid largely saturated lights, become extremely emotional to certain copy, and cannot fully utilize cognitive assets. This is also caused by the brain adapting to the changes in lifestyle and negative self-talks.)


What if students imagined to work on their dreams from home?

After meeting 3 students affected by COVID conditions, they all agreed on the fact that the pandemic either ruined their plan or they were unable to achieve a certain goal.

How can we help them get closer to their goals even during the pandemic state?

(Users had severe fear and anxiety about the future.)


A mobile habit app guided by a chosen dream

We had 3 brainstorm sessions learned from the book `Creative Acts For Curious People` by Sarah Stein Greenberg.

From the session, we took a closer look at our bisociation session which associates completely two different ideas.

After a bit of thought, we decided to initiate a habit app using a occupation path as a guidance from the community.

(To start, we tried to understand the current market and how users interact with them to find a starting point.)

design artifactdesign artifact
Approach #1

Failed to learn habits with self-discipline

To find a good starting point, we learned how the current habit market can enlighten our view.

we developed a low-fidelity prototype to understand the experience of choosing a path for learning habits.

We utilized components from our competitors to reduce decision time and increase clarity for insights.

We learned that users expressing depression and loneliness had trouble becoming interested in the idea of habits.

design artifact
Approach #2

Finding a way to interest users for a better memory

I researched that depression led to a nihilistic mindset or unmotivated spirit. Then how can we help individuals with these symptoms make choices for good?

After a casual conversations with the potential users who were experiencing the symptoms, I learned that they enjoyed something they were already familiar with. For example, short video clips, pets, or even food.

I experimented on reducing the cognitive load and increasing the clarity for easier approach to information.

We learned that clearer information delivery increased the decision rate of users. Yet, the question of retention was not answered at all.

design artifact
Approach #3

Focus on taking a new challenges for retention

We needed an action cycle. A plan to determine how we can help users like what they will be doing.

We noticed a huge spike on gaming as the pandemic came in effect. People needed happiness.

What if we added gamification to retain users and add a little fun?

We learned that gamification can be a breakthrough but we were not experienced to fit the user needs.

design artifact
Approach #4

Easier, simpler, and encouraging challenges to habit new actions

If they like gamified challenges and learn the action of doing, our users will be able to build-up interest to take new actions.

We asked ourselves a question after reviewing our researches again. Why do we have to create a habit everytime?

Instead, what if we suggested them new habits while proving them that changes are easy as drinking a cup of water?

design artifactdesign artifactdesign artifact